Assessment of Impact of Manufacturing Enterprises on The Environment


  • Khalmatov Musltiddin Mukhammatovich Andijan Machine building Institute, Faculty of Transport and Logistics Senior teacher of "Labor protection" bffd(PhD) Email: [email protected]
  • Mamayeva Sadoqatkhan Ibrahimjon's daughter Andijan Machine building Institute, Faculty of Transport and Logistics Labor protection production and master's degree in safety of technological processes 2nd stage master's degree [email protected]


In this article, the monitoring analysis of the industrial enterprises of the developing countries and our Republic is aimed at the main factors that determine the level of pollution from the components of the ecological safety of the environment in the cities, the parameters of the sources of pollution, first of all, as a result of the impact on nature and humanity, it is aimed at reducing the causes of various diseases. It should be taken into account that the maximum permissible concentrations of chemical compounds developed for the majority are determined in relation to the body of women except during pregnancy. At the same time, literature data shows that pregnancy significantly changes the reactivity of a woman's body and often increases its sensitivity to negative factors, primarily chemicals. The state of the atmosphere in cities is determined by a number of factors. It is necessary to fulfill the regulatory requirements on the amount of harmful substances in the city atmosphere.




How to Cite

Khalmatov Musltiddin Mukhammatovich, & Mamayeva Sadoqatkhan Ibrahimjon’s daughter. (2023). Assessment of Impact of Manufacturing Enterprises on The Environment. Journal of Ethics and Diversity in International Communication, 3(6), 5–9. Retrieved from


