Evaluation of the Result of Postoperative Treatment in Elderly Women with Breast Cancer (Literature Review)


  • Mamedov Umid Sunnatovich Bukhara State Medical Institute, Department of Oncology and Medical Radiology Head of the Department
  • Temirova Dilnoza Valievna Bukhara State Medical Institute, Department of Oncology and Medical Radiology Head of the Department
  • Mahmudova Anora Fazliddinovna Teacher of medical techniques named after Abu Ali ibn Sina
  • Uzakova Nigora Iskandarovna Nephrologist Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Center of Nephrology and Kidney Transplantation


breast cancer, elderly women, screening, positive effect


Breast cancer occupies the first place in terms of oncological disease in our republic. In our republic, breast cancer occupies 22.3%. Of this number in Bukhara, 17.4%. 6.9% are women aged 60 to 74 years old. According to the cancer registry of the Republican Cancer Research Center in Uzbekistan, breast cancer has the greatest share in the structure of female mortality from malignant neoplasms (20.4%)




How to Cite

Sunnatovich, M. U. ., Valievna, T. D. ., Fazliddinovna, M. A. ., & Iskandarovna, U. N. . (2021). Evaluation of the Result of Postoperative Treatment in Elderly Women with Breast Cancer (Literature Review). International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 1(6), 63–66. Retrieved from https://openaccessjournals.eu/index.php/ijdias/article/view/625


