Faraid - As the Basis of the Islamic Law on Inheritance and the Features of its Economic Consequences
Faraid, Hikma, Mawaris, Mannan, Maududi, Ayat Mufassil, Ayat al-Mawaris, IhvaAbstract
The article describes the Islamic law of Faraid on inheritance, as well as the foundations of its emergence and systematic influence on the development of mankind. Faraid plays a fundamental role as a driving force in the development of science, which has a great economic impact on the development of social welfare. The article aims firstly to raise awareness of the importance of the Islamic law of inheritance for the development of knowledge and the social prosperity of mankind. Secondly, an attempt is made to reveal the concepts of Hikmah, the basis of the rules of Faraid and its economic consequences. Thirdly, to show the consciousness of their compliance with Shariah and benefit to humanity.