Noise Sources of Modern Aircraft


  • Ruzmatov Rustam Alidjanovich Faculty Teacher Advanced Qualification of Aviation Specialists Higher Military Aviation Institute, Republic Uzbekistan


Trustworthiness of aviation specialists, Flight safety, Air transport operations, Sound-absorbing structures, Jet engine nozzles


This study examines noise sources in modern aircraft, focusing on gas turbine engines, aerodynamic noise, and aircraft systems. Despite advancements in aircraft design, noise pollution remains a persistent problem affecting communities near airports, passengers, and aviation personnel. A gap exists in understanding the effectiveness of current noise reduction technologies and their impact on safety and comfort. The research aims to analyze key noise sources and evaluate noise mitigation strategies through detailed assessments of engine components, airflow, and cabin systems. Results indicate that while noise has been reduced, challenges remain, particularly in jet stream and aerodynamic noise. Promising innovations, such as sound-absorbing materials and optimized engine designs, offer potential solutions. These findings highlight the need for continued research to improve aviation safety, passenger comfort, and community well-being.


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How to Cite

Alidjanovich, R. R. (2024). Noise Sources of Modern Aircraft. International Journal of Innovative Analyses and Emerging Technology, 4(4), 27–34. Retrieved from


