Terms Associated With Rice-Growing and Names of Rice Dishes in Uzbek Language


  • Pirmatova Ozoda Saparboyevna Senior teacher of Urgench State University


field, atyz, small area of the field, harvest, scoop, spade, sickle, root, weeding, bran, ear, grate, tithe, pilaf, pilaf lover, pilaf in a bag, fried pilaf


The article discusses the lexical features of rice dishes and the terms of rice-growing, as well as the phonetic phenomena that happened to them in the Turkic, Persian-Tajik languages and the Oguz dialect of the Uzbek language.




How to Cite

Saparboyevna, P. O. . (2021). Terms Associated With Rice-Growing and Names of Rice Dishes in Uzbek Language. International Journal of Development and Public Policy, 1(4), 30–33. Retrieved from https://openaccessjournals.eu/index.php/ijdpp/article/view/182