Methods of Formation of Personal Development Opportunities for Older Preschool Children through Sports


  • Turakulova Durdona Boxodirovna Student of the faculty of Preschool Education Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami
  • Raxmonova Gulruh Ubaydullayevna Teacher, Student of the faculty of Preschool Education Tashkent State Pedagogical University named after Nizami


self-esteem, senior preschool age, occupation, influence, methods, tasks, tool, necessity, personal psychological and physical growth


Senior preschool age (5-6 years) is the time of intensive physical, mental and personal growth of the child. Accordingly, it is at this stage of development that the child is aware of himself and the world. Children at this age need to form a basis for the development of self-awareness, including individual correct self-esteem. Currently, the issues of the formation of a normalized level of self-esteem of preschool children are relevant, which should be paid attention to special tools that have a great influence on this personal category. One of the most common directions or means of developing self-esteem of the personality of older preschoolers is sports.




How to Cite

Boxodirovna, T. D. ., & Ubaydullayevna, R. G. . (2021). Methods of Formation of Personal Development Opportunities for Older Preschool Children through Sports. International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 1(6), 118–121. Retrieved from


