Lexical-Semantic Features of the Image of Nature


  • Gafurova Sayyora Ortikovna Teacher of the Uzbek language and literature department, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan


nature, landscape, literary work, Lexical-semantic features, image


An important component of the artistic reality created in a literary work, the image of the open space through which events take place, is called landscape. Traditionally, a landscape is an image of nature. But this kind of understanding is a bit narrower. Because the landscape implies not only nature (if we understand the primary nature under this word), but also the image of things created by man with it. In this sense, for example, the image of an alley or city street is also a landscape, whereas they are not a picture of nature, but a picture of a place. The writer can describe the landscape in detail while stopping the flow of events (static landscape) or give details about it during the events (dynamic landscape).




How to Cite

Ortikovna, G. S. . (2021). Lexical-Semantic Features of the Image of Nature. International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 1(5), 318–321. Retrieved from https://openaccessjournals.eu/index.php/ijdias/article/view/531


