Determination of the Composition and Amount of Costs When Evaluating Real Estate Objects, the Sequence of Determining the Cost of New Construction


  • Turayeva Malika Hikmatovna Department of cost engineering and real estate examination
  • Abdujalilov G`olibAbdurashidovich Samarkand regional branch of the Center of Forensic Examination named after H. Sulaymanova under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Leading expert


cost, estimate, price, Estimated cost, construction, estimated norms, Local estimates, Object estimates, Consolidated estimated calculations of the cost of construction


The article presents the system of pricing for construction and the main tasks of determining the composition and size of costs in the evaluation of real estate, the approximate cost of construction. Other costs include the costs of construction and maintenance of temporary buildings and structures, the costs of technical control, other work and costs, as well as the sequence of determining the cost of new construction.




How to Cite

Hikmatovna, T. M. ., & G`olibAbdurashidovich, A. . (2021). Determination of the Composition and Amount of Costs When Evaluating Real Estate Objects, the Sequence of Determining the Cost of New Construction. International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 1(5), 284–287. Retrieved from


