To The Study of the Provision of Convicts in Penal Institutions with Vitamin C


  • Turaev Ilkhomjon Esanovich Head of the Medical Department of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) in Medical Sciences


food rations of specialized institutions, the immune state of the body, supply of ascorbic acid, summer-autumn season


The purpose of the article is to assess the status of vitamin C supply in prisons. As research methods, the status of vitamin C metabolism was assessed by the analysis of the daily amount of MG/hour exertion of vitamin C in 197 individuals by the N. S. Jeleznyakov method. As a result of the research, the optimization of the daily diet rations in the institutions of execution of punishment with national products and Greens has resulted in an increase in the supply of vitamin C in the body of convicts to 25-30% in the winter-spring season and 35-40% in the summer-autumn season, and as a result, the excretion of vitamin




How to Cite

Esanovich, T. I. . (2021). To The Study of the Provision of Convicts in Penal Institutions with Vitamin C. International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 1(5), 251–253. Retrieved from


