Prospects for Improving the Institution of Procedural Costs through the Introduction of a New System in the Fight against Crime


  • Sultanov Abdulla Azamatovich Researcher of the Department of Criminal Procedure Law of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan


criminal procedure, procedural costs, crime control policy, economic analysis, state budget, local government, compensation to the victim, the cost of the crime, Ensuring reliable protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens


This article substantiates the need to introduce a national system called "Justice Expenditures" based on economic analysis of crime control and prevention activities.To this end, the experience of foreign countries and institutions implementing policy in the fight against crime on the basis of economic factors, the ongoing reforms in the Republic of Uzbekistan in this area are analyzed.On this basis, the main directions and advantages of the proposed new system of organization of work, including its role in improving the institution of procedural costs are explained, and a number of conceptual proposals for its implementation are put forward.




How to Cite

Azamatovich, S. A. . (2021). Prospects for Improving the Institution of Procedural Costs through the Introduction of a New System in the Fight against Crime. International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 1(5), 236–239. Retrieved from


