Influence of Functional Asymmetry on the Manifestation of the Ability to Maintain Balance in Highly Qualified Sambo Wrestlers


  • Davletova Nilufar Ruzmetovna Lecturer at the Department of Combat and Physical Training of Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan


sambo, cadets, functional asymmetry, physical performance, aerobic capabilities


An assessment of the functional state of cadets studying at the Police Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan showed that despite the fact that the surveyed contingent of sambo wrestlers is high in terms of sports qualifications and they are all masters of sports, their functional capabilities in terms of physical performance, as well as in terms of maximum oxygen consumption and lung vital capacity differ. Athletes have been identified, both with high reserve capabilities and with low indicators of physical performance. Testing with eyes closed made it possible to obtain more objective information about the state of the ability to maintain balance. The regulation of balance and control of posture is carried out due to the muscular sense, which involves proprioceptive sensitivity receptors, and not due to the visual analyzer.




How to Cite

Ruzmetovna, D. N. . (2021). Influence of Functional Asymmetry on the Manifestation of the Ability to Maintain Balance in Highly Qualified Sambo Wrestlers. International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 1(5), 214–217. Retrieved from


