Information Characteristics of Analytical Signals at X-Ray Structure Analysis


  • Abidova Gulmira Shuxratovna Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Tashkent State Transport University, UZBEKISTAN
  • Djurabayeva Feruza Baxtiyarovna Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Tashkent State Transport University, UZBEKISTAN


spectrometry, devices for preliminary processing of information, X-ray methods of analysis


Currently, in various industries, the improvement of technological processes becomes possible with the use of fast and accurate methods and means of continuous analysis of the composition and properties of gaseous, liquid and solid substances. The increasing requirements for the quality of raw materials and finished products, the improvement and development of new technological processes and the related tasks of managing these processes, the increasing requirements for environmental protection require further improvement of systems and devices for preliminary processing of information coming from the analyzing installation, designed to solve control problems composition and properties of substances. Such systems use a variety of analytical methods, the most common of which are spectrometry, adsorption, hydrochemical and thermal analysis methods. In particular, when conducting scientific research in the field of chemistry, biology, medicine, pharmacology, 40% of all methods of analysis of substances are spectrometric, 30% are adsorption, 10% are hydrochemical, 10% are thermal, and 10% is a group of 15 other analytical methods. The problem of operational control of environmental pollution has recently become especially relevant. In the air and water basins of a typical large city with petrochemical, metallurgical, electrical, oil refining industries, electrochemical production at many enterprises, there are more than 1900 organic compounds, about 30 inorganic compounds and heavy metals, toxic in their effect on the body. This article is devoted to the analysis of information characteristics of signals coming from spectrometric installations.




How to Cite

Shuxratovna, A. G. ., & Baxtiyarovna, D. F. . (2021). Information Characteristics of Analytical Signals at X-Ray Structure Analysis. International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 1(5), 195–200. Retrieved from


