Comparison of Features of Liver and Spleen Elastometry


  • Ahmadova Maftuna Amin Kizi Assistant Bukhara State Medical Institute
  • Soxibova Ziyoda Rakhmonovna Assistant Bukhara State Medical Institute


stiffness of the spleen, stiffness of the liver, elastography, comparison of stiffness, overview


Liver elastometry is indicated if fibrosis is suspected. The latter can lead to several systemic complications: splenomegaly, varicose veins of the gastrointestinal tract, ascites. Speaking about splenomegaly, it should be noted that in alcoholic liver disease splenomegaly is not pronounced, but in its parenchyma, pathoanatomical examination reveals venous congestion with expansion of venous vessels and sinusoids, pulp fibrosis, histiocyte proliferation, areas of siderosis and fibrosis The review presents data on the comparison of the features of measuring the stiffness of the liver and spleen, the effect on the measurement results of various conditions (type of sensor used, food intake, number of measurements, patient position, breathing phase, etc.). A literature search was carried out in the PubMed and eLibrary databases. In particular, the stiffness values ​​of the liver and spleen vary differently at the heights of inspiration and expiration. This is due to the blood filling of organs with changes in intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure, as well as a decrease in arterial flow to the spleen during exhalation.Published data on liver and spleen stiffness values ​​in healthy volunteers are presented. The spleen is a tougher organ than the liver. The different stiffness of the liver and spleen is explained by the peculiarities of the blood supply (the spleen receives most of the blood flow from an artery with an intensive flow, the liver from the portal vein). The reasons for the increase in the stiffness of these organs are described, both in norm and in pathology.The study of liver stiffness can be used to diagnose liver cirrhosis and portal hypertension, the study of spleen stiffness - to diagnose portal hypertension, as well as for indirect diagnosis of the presence of varicose veins of the esophagus and the nature of the lesion of the spleen.




How to Cite

Amin Kizi, A. M., & Rakhmonovna, S. Z. (2021). Comparison of Features of Liver and Spleen Elastometry. International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 1(5), 190–194. Retrieved from


