The Importance of Equivalence in Translation


  • Khatamova Dilfuza Abduvakhabovna Associate Professor MirzoUlugbek National University of Uzbekistan
  • Altundag Mohigul Jamolddinkizi MirzoUlugbek National University of Uzbekistan Third year of doctoral studies for the PhD degree


Translation, term, equivalence, adequacy, dictionary


It is no exaggeration to say that the modern science of modern translation has become the leader of world philology. His connection with other sciences and disciplines greatly expanded the scope of the object of translation studies. It is no secret that scientists around the world today are unable to come to a decision on the interpretation and interpretation of the concepts that underlie the science of translation, which leads to theoretical confusion in scientific research. In particular, one of the main conditions of translation studies is equivalence and adequacy. For example, if science-based terms are not synonymous, then theoretical conclusions within science can be considered relative. Many studies have been devoted to the phenomenon of equivalence, but the term itself has not yet been clearly established.




How to Cite

Abduvakhabovna, K. D., & Jamolddinkizi, A. M. (2021). The Importance of Equivalence in Translation. International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 1(5), 187–189. Retrieved from


