Clinical and Functional Changes in Hard Tissues of Teeth in Patients with Hemophilia


  • Kadirova Munojatkhon Assistant of the Anatomy and clinical anatomy Andijan State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


Hemophilia, hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity, Willebrand's disease, orthopedic treatment measures, dental status


Hereditary coagulopathies characterized by reduced blood clotting occupy a special place among diseases of the blood system. The most common of these are hemophilia and Willebrand's disease. Hemophilia the disease of "royals" - is an old, but still relevant disease. Hereditary coagulopathies, characterized by reduced blood clotting, occupy a special place among diseases of the blood system. Based on who data and the likely frequency of research on these diseases, the prevalence of hemophilia ranges from 3 to 25 patients per 10,000 population.

Few studies of the oral cavity in patients with hemophilia have shown a high level of dental diseases, poor hygiene of the oral cavity. This is due to the lack of proper oral care, and dispensary monitoring, fear of prolonged bleeding after dental manipulations. For this reason, dentists try to avoid treating dental diseases in this category of patients.

At the same time, modern achievements of medical science in the field of Hematology and the development of effective replacement therapy allow to prevent almost all types of bleeding.

However, this group of patients is still unable to receive timely and high-quality dental treatment and prevention, which largely determines the high prevalence of inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region.

All of the above is evidence of the presence of many predisposing factors of damage to the dental system in patients with hemophilia, as well as the need for preventive, therapeutic, including orthopedic dental measures for this category of patients.




How to Cite

Munojatkhon, K. (2021). Clinical and Functional Changes in Hard Tissues of Teeth in Patients with Hemophilia. International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 1(5), 37–40. Retrieved from


