The Object and its Significance in Crimes of Looting Other’s Property by Using Computer Tools


  • Marufjon Kurbanov PhD, Associate Professor, Criminal Justice Faculty Head of department of Criminalists and Forensic Examination
  • Jing Geng PhD researcher at Católica Global School of Law


plundering, property, computer facilities, thieving, embezzlement, computer tools, prevention, fraudulent, computer fraud, looting


It should be noted that some types of plundering can damage not only property, but also other social relations protected by criminal law, that is, such crimes affect several social relations at once. In criminal law, crimes of this type are called crimes of a complex nature if the damage is caused to more than one object as a result of the commission of a socially dangerous act.

The crime of looting other people's property by means of computers is also a crime of a complex nature, ie not only property relations, but also social relations in the field of information technology, and in some cases social relations in the field of public administration. will also be damaged.

As a rule, in complex crimes, the object is qualified depending on the main direct object, if the objects affected are two or more social relations protected by criminal law.

In robberies of other people's property using computer tools in most cases, the object of the crime is not in the direct possession of the victim, ie non-cash money is usually kept in a special institution (bank) or device (plastic card) where the money is stored and authorized to carry out certain operations.




How to Cite

Kurbanov, M. ., & Geng, J. . (2021). The Object and its Significance in Crimes of Looting Other’s Property by Using Computer Tools. International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 1(3), 64–67. Retrieved from


