Problems of Global Ecology and Socio-Natural Environment


  • Kandov Bakhodir Mirzayevich Tashkent region Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Faculty of Humanities, associate professor of the Department of National idea, fundamentals of spirituality and law education, candidate of philosophy


globalization, human rights, integration, ecology, global environmental problems, socio-natural environment, mass media, Aral Sea, demography, migration, world community


the activities carried out in our Republic in order to solve the global environmental problems are analyzed and shown as an important factor in the improvement of human health. The author argues that today ecology and environmental crises are a global reality that threatens the human right to live and work freely. It is not for nothing that the state on earth remains aloof from this problem. Therefore, the formation of international environmental law, the development of relevant international legal documents and norms is one of the most important tasks as well. At the present stage, it is urgent to ensure compliance with existing international legal norms. The integration of Uzbekistan into the world community in the field of human rights and freedom, as well as global environmental problems will be studied.




How to Cite

Mirzayevich, K. B. (2021). Problems of Global Ecology and Socio-Natural Environment. International Journal of Discoveries and Innovations in Applied Sciences, 1(5), 182–186. Retrieved from


